Dispersion Photoshop Action
Dispersion Photoshop Action, Watch the above video tutorial for a demonstration on how to use the action. The video is very important to watch if you plan on downloading the action. Other actions you may like: SandStorm Photoshop Action Watercolor Photoshop Action Explosion Photoshop Action Scroll down for the full list of over 100 photo effects. Dispersion Photoshop Action This action will break apart pieces of your photo and shoot them into a direction of your choice. Do not spend lots of time trying to create this effect manually, get it done in seconds with only a few clicks. You simply brush in the areas that you want to disperse and play the action! You can choose from Up, Down, Left or Right directions to shoot the broken pieces off into. Creati
3D Dispersion Photoshop Action
3D Dispersion Photoshop Action, 3D Dispersion Action – Bring your images to life with the dynamic, three-dimensional effect of flying particles! It’s quick, simple and amazingly effective. Depending on your image, you can select one of four directions of movement: Left, right, up, down. Watch a detailed video tutorial for this action HERE This action has been created and optimized for use on Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC and ONLY FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION OF PHOTOSHOP. Need to change the language of your version? WATCH HERE If you have any problems with this action please visit the help page, where you will find answers to FAQs and recommendations for getting the most out of my actions. If you can’t find the answer to your question, and you’re still h
Dispersion Photoshop Action
Dispersion Photoshop Action, Video Instruction: Photoshop Configuration: Use Photoshop english version; RGB color mode 8 bits; Compatible with CS6 and CC. Best Results: Use high resolution images (1500px – 3000px). Files Included: .atn file (4 dispersion effects and 10 different color effects); .pdf with instructions. *Images used in preview are not included.
Dispersion Photoshop Action
Dispersion Photoshop Action, DISPERSIONCreative multifunctional Photoshop Action convert your images into professional art work within moments. Easy to customize and improve. One click action. Video tutorial below. This action successfully tested in more than 100 images and optimized for use on Photoshop CS3,CS4,CS5,CS6,CC 2015 and CC 2017. ACTIONS YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Double Exposure Photoshop Action Animated Snow Photoshop Action Logo Creator 2 Photoshop Action Water color painting action Explodo Photoshop Action Professional Logo Creator VIDEO TUTORIAL ACTION INCLUDE Main .atn file User’s guide .pdf file with recommendations Color options Fully editable graphic elements Well organized folders FOR THE BEST RESULT, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO USE phot
Squares Dispersion Photoshop Action
Squares Dispersion Photoshop Action, Squares Dispersion Photoshop Action | How to use ? Squares Dispersion Photoshop Action : Create professional squares dispersion artworks from your photos in the easiest possible way. Not only is it simple to it then becomes lots of fun playing around with all the layers ! Everything generate the squares dispersion art, remains layered giving you lots of creative control. This action works in a non-destructive way to achieve a high quality look. So, the original image layer will remain unchanged. This action is exclusively designed for photographers & graphic designers. It’s a must have for photo effect lovers. This action has been tested and works on photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2016, CC 2017 + Included : Phot
Dispersion Photoshop Action
Dispersion Photoshop Action, Please watch the video above for demonstration of how to use and customize the look of your action to get the most out of the effect. Scroll down for the full thumbnail list of over 60 photo effect actions! Dispersion Photoshop Action This action will disperse areas of your photo and shoot the parts into direction that you choose.You can choose from 5 different directions (RIGHT, LEFT, UP, DOWN or MIDDLE), and also you can choose parts shape (13 DIFFERENT SHAPES INCLUDED). After you play the action you got full layer control. You can transform parts however you like (scale them, rotate them, move them…) If there is some part that you don’t want you can just simply hide that layer, or if you want to add even more parts you can jus
Tornadum – Powerful Dispersion Photoshop Action
Tornadum – Powerful Dispersion Photoshop Action, Save Money – buy this action in bundle! TOP5 actions you may also like: Perfectum 2 – Watercolor Artist Photoshop Action Architectum 2 – Sketch Tools Photoshop Action Perfectum – Vintage Watercolor Photoshop Action Architectum – Sketch Drafting Photoshop Action Ultimatum – Digital Art Photoshop Action Tornadum Video Tutorial Video tutorial includes: demonstration of the action results in “before/after” format instructions on how to prepare your file for the action opportunities on how to customize and improve your results Tornadum Photoshop Action Awesome Photoshop action with effect of powerful tornado wich breaking and shooting pieces of the object on your photo. 4 actions with different directions: up,
Dispersion 2 Photoshop Action
Dispersion 2 Photoshop Action, Please watch the above video for a demonstration of the action and customization tutorial Other actions you may like: SandStorm Photoshop Action Watercolor Photoshop Action Explosion Photoshop Action Scroll down for the full list of over 85 photo effects. Dispersion 2 Photoshop Action Create advanced looking dispersion effects in no time at all. You can choose from UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT or MIDDLE directions. You simply open a photo, create a new layer called ‘brush’, brush where you want to apply the effect and click play! It really is that simple. The action has been tested and working on Photoshop (English version) CS5,CS6,CC,CC 2015.5+. The action will only work on English versions of Photoshop. If you are using an
Cube Dispersion Photoshop Action
Cube Dispersion Photoshop Action, Cube Dispersion Photoshop Action This action is intended to give your photos the effect of particles, the dispersion of the cube. Please save your time and create an amazing job! For best results, it is recommended to use high-resolution photos. And you can also experiment with the colors of your image.. Action only works on English version of Photoshop! Use only CS3,CS4,CS5,CS6,CC++ version of Photoshop! ZIP Content Cube Dispersion Photoshop Action.atn CD_Patterns.pat Help File.txt How do I combine actions? Run the first action on your photo. Once you are happy with the design, save your image out. Now re-open your image and run another action!
Ultimate Dispersion Photoshop Action
Ultimate Dispersion Photoshop Action, Tutorial Video NEW Modern Photoshop ACTION with 3 Ultimate Dispersion effects Highly detailed result, easy to use, customize and improve. One click action. Photoshop Configure for this Action 1. Make sure you are using the English version of Photoshop. If you are using a different language . Click Here to watch how to set the language to English. 2. Use the RGB Mode and 8 Bits color. To check these settings, go to Image->Mode and check the “RGB color” and “8 Bits/Channel”. 3. Use image with size between 1600-2400px and a resulotion between 72-300dpi. 4.Make sure the Opacity of the brush is set to 100%. Select the “Brush Tool” and move the opacity slider to 100%. 5. Your main image should be set as a background. If your i
Polaroid Dispersion Photoshop Action
Polaroid Dispersion Photoshop Action, ==== TRY THE WORLD’S FIRST POLAROID DISPERSION ACTION ==== This PSDDude original Photoshop action with styles intact will allow you to create Polaroid dispersion effects out of any image. In the preview you can see the before and after effects. The result contains easy to edit layers with layers styles intact so that you can customize the look. Tested and working with Photoshop CS and CC, all language versions. ==== WORKS WITH ANY PHOTOSHOP CS and CC LANGUAGE VERSION ==== PACKAGE DETAILS: Polaroid Dispersion Photoshop Action – 3 actions included Tested and working with Photoshop CS and CC, all language versions Requirements: RGB color, 8 bit, 72 DPI recommended Easy to Edit and Customize Fully customiza
Dispersion Photoshop Action
Dispersion Photoshop Action, VIDEO TUTORIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiM4v2b9b9I TO BETTER UNDERSTAND AND HANDLE THIS ACTION PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE DISPERSION PHOTOSHOP ACTION: – 14 COLOR VARIATIONS – 21 PHOTO FILTERS – 6 COMBINED PHOTO BALANCE ADJUSTMENT LAYERS – PARTICLES – LOTS OF LAYERS TO CUSTOMIZE THE DESIGN – DUPLICATE LAYERS AND FOLDERS TO ADD EVEN MORE DETAILS – UNLIMITED RESULTS Every time you run the action you get a unique result. Simplify your life and do not spend hours of time trying to create effects like this manually, get it done in minutes with only a few clicks. Get this action and it will disperse painted parts of your photo and spread it into direction of your choice. You simply brush in the areas that you want to
Dispersion Photoshop Action
Dispersion Photoshop Action, File included: ATN action file; TXT help file; Tested: Adobe Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC; Document mode: RGB color, 8 bit; My featured items: Caricature Master Photoshop Action Sketch Mix Art Photoshop Action
Ripple Dispersion Photoshop Action
Ripple Dispersion Photoshop Action, This action has been tested and working on Photoshop (English versions) CS6,CC. The action will only work on English versions of Photoshop!!! It is highly recommended to work with photos over 1500px high/wide for the best results. You must run the action in RGB color mode in Photoshop. HOW TO INSTALL THE ACTION Open the .zip file, usually by double-clicking it. This should produce a folder containing the contents of the .zip file on your desktop. Double-click the .atn files within the folder you’ve just created. Anything ending in .atn. or Open Photoshop, and click on the Actions Palette menu button (located in the top-right of the Actions Palette Select “Load Actions” Select one of the .atn files from the download Repeat
Dispersion Photoshop Action
Dispersion Photoshop Action, Dispersion Photoshop Action : Create professional dispersion images from your photos in the easiest possible way. Not only is it simple to it then becomes lots of fun playing around with all the layers ! Everything generate the mix oil dispersion art, remains layered giving you lots of creative control. This action works in a non-destructive way to achieve a high quality look. So, the original image layer will remain unchanged. This action is exclusively designed for photographers & graphic designers. It?s a must have for photo effect lovers. This action has been tested and works on photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2016, CC 2017 + Included : Photoshop ATN Photoshop ABR Photoshop PAT PDF Help Files
Pixel Dispersion Photoshop Action
Pixel Dispersion Photoshop Action, Pixel Dispersion Photoshop Action This action will Break The Pieces Of your Photos.Just choose a direction and get amazing Result On your photos. First you have to make a new layer name brush and then brush your image and play the action.This action works only English version of photoshop. Features 4 Direction ( Right,Left,Up,Down) Help Guide Included Support on Photoshop cs3,cs4,cs5,cs6,cc Video Tutorial Link Below Photo Credit : https://www.flickr.com/photos/pokerbrit/9178506637/ Check my Latest Work Below Business card Template Save Money With BC Bundle Great Action
Glow Disperse Photoshop Action
Glow Disperse Photoshop Action, This action has been created and optimized for use on Photoshop CS5 and above . Use the RGB Mode and 8 Bits color. To check these settings, go to Image->Mode and check the “RGB color” and “8 Bits/Channel”. Make sure you are using the English version of Photoshop For the best results, it is recommended to use high resolution photos in the range of 2500px – 4000px. The detail and clarity is affected with respect to quality of the image.
Valentine Love Dispersion Photoshop Action
Valentine Love Dispersion Photoshop Action, FILE INFO: 1 ATN file with 4 actions 1 PTP file 1 Read me.txt file Full tutorial (how to use) Preview pictures are not included Valentine Love Dispersion Photoshop Action Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onsXpmuotmQ More Info It’s a really great photoshop tool for any designer. anybody can use the tool easily(contains full tutorial how to use).It can be possible to turn into great looking any picture by a single click within a few seconds. For best result keep the photo around 2000px (Height/widht) and 300 dpi resulation. It works for adobe photoshop version cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cc, cc+ It has been tested on 30/40 photos. DON’T FORGET TO RATE THE ITEM
Music Dispersion Photoshop Action
Music Dispersion Photoshop Action, Music Dispersion Photoshop Action : Create professional music dispersion images from your photos in the easiest possible way. Not only is it simple to it then becomes lots of fun playing around with all the layers ! Everything generate the music dispersion art, remains layered giving you lots of creative control. This action works in a non-destructive way to achieve a high quality look. So, the original image layer will remain unchanged. This action is exclusively designed for photographers & graphic designers. It?s a must have for photo effect lovers. This action has been tested and works on photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015 + Included : Photoshop ATN Photoshop ABR Photoshop PAT PDF Help Files You May
Dispersion Art Photoshop Action
Dispersion Art Photoshop Action, Dispersion Art Photoshop Action This action will break apart pieces of your photo and shoot them into a direction of your choice. Do not spend lots of time trying to create this effect manually, get it done in seconds with only a few clicks.Simply open up a photo and click play on the action. Create this highly detailed effect from your photos with little effort at all. This Action Coma With Four Directions: Left – Right – Up – Down The action has been tested and working on Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 & CC 2014 The action will ONLY WORK IN THE ENGLISH VERSION OF PHOTOSHOP. If you are not using the English version of Photoshop, you can always change it to English and then back again to your native language. 1- Duplicate L
Dispersion Photoshop Action
Dispersion Photoshop Action, Features: The action has been tested and working on Photoshop (English versions)CS5,CS6,CC. I recommend using the action on photo’s with high resolution for the best results and also using Photoshop cc File Includes: The zip file includes the .atn file and an instruction Instructions: Instructions will give in main file with ms-word file. Not: any one can not copyright or upgrade this action without author permeation …. This action set has been developed for any type of cover design for example magazine, book, advertisement , poster, Photographers and Personal graphic or designers. Thanks and please don’t forget to rate me. P.S. check out some of my other cool effects in my portfolio
Dispersion Effect – Photoshop Action
Dispersion Effect – Photoshop Action, Dispersion Photoshop Action Create a stunning effect to your photos without wasting a lot of time. The most user-friendly Photoshop action ever made. Simply select the direction you want to use and click the play icon. Detailed instructions are included. Tested Results The action is working with Photoshop CS3,CS4,CS5,CS6 and CC in the English version only. Here is a YouTube guide on how to change language into English. Possible Uses The action generates a remarkably neat Photoshop file with layers, so you can easily refine and customize the results. It can also be used for learning advanced techniques by following the step-by-step implementation. You can make both personal and commercial use of the results (e.g. sell your resul
Hypnotize 2 – Cubic Dispersion – Photoshop Action
Hypnotize 2 – Cubic Dispersion – Photoshop Action, Hypnotize 2 is a Photoshop action that will transform the subject of your image into multiple dispersed cubes. The action works on the areas you have brushed over your desired photo, creating unique and spectacular effects in seconds. The result is an organized folder structure with multiple layers that you can toggle on/off, adjust color filters or edit blending options for advanced tweaking. The recommended image size is around 3000-5000px on the long edge. Time SavingArtorius Photoshop Actions are designed to save you hours, days, weeks or even months of developing an effect technique and applying it to a photo. Now, the technique is instantly available to all your photos. Combine actionsIf you purchased multiple actions, hav
Dispersion Squares Photoshop Action
Dispersion Squares Photoshop Action, Watch the video tutorial before run this action Your Files Photoshop Action File Photoshop Brush File Text Help File Other PSDSquare Actions Like This Origami Photoshop Action Soot 2 Photoshop Action Exhaust Photoshop Action Dispersion Squares Photoshop Action In this Photoshop Action, you can create square Dispersion effect for your images.Click here to go guide tutorial video to see how easy it is to run this action correctly. This photoshop action can transform your JPG image into look like Dispersion. You can use this action in photoshop CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2015.5, and CC2017. The only restriction is that you must install the version in English. For now, other languages are not supported. If you use a di
Low Poly Dispersion Photoshop Action
Low Poly Dispersion Photoshop Action, Video Tutorial Click on the picture above to watch video for detailed instructions on how to use this action Low Poly Dispersion Photoshop Action Use your photo and turn it into low poly dispersion in moments.You just need one click… Enhance your photo by applying this action and create awesome low poly dispersion effect in few minutes. This Action is perfect for flyer designs,invitation designs for partys,posters,movie posters and anything else that you need low poly with dispersion effect on… Don’t waste your time, just use this action and it will do the job for you in no time. Once action is completed you can turn on/off background color , turn on/off every layer and play with adjustments . You can brush out the are
Dance of Dispersion HD ~ Photoshop Action
Dance of Dispersion HD ~ Photoshop Action, Similar Item: Dance of Dispersion HD ~ 3D Text Action PACKAGE DETAILS: Package name: Dance of Dispersion HD ~ Photoshop Action Software version: Photoshop CS3 Copyright: July 5, 2015 Author: Charles Brown Items: – ATN file Help File is included: Pdf file *Complexity: Well-labeled ‘ACTION’ operation and easy to modify to suit your need. – Compatible with all languages – Digital Lab Tested This action will render a photo-realistic dispersion like none you have ever used before. Action contains 4 directions and it is multi-directional and multi-overlapping-rendition. Simply brush over, run action and enjoy result! We are determined to give you nothing but the best! Go for the best! Huge time and money saver super bundle (
Dispersion with Real Images Photoshop Action
Dispersion with Real Images Photoshop Action, This Photoshop action will allow you to create dispersion effect using real images out of any photo. The final result contains easy to edit intact layers so that you can customize the appearance. You can create endless dispersion results. PACKAGE DETAILS: Dispersion with Real Images Photoshop Action Tested and working with Photoshop CS and CC, all language versions Requirements: RGB color, 8 bit, minimum 72 DPI recommended Easy to Edit and Customize Fully customizable Little Photoshop Skills Required created by PSDDude
Wireframe Photoshop Action – Wireframe Dispersion Creator
Wireframe Photoshop Action – Wireframe Dispersion Creator, Video Tutorial Click on the picture above to watch video for detailed instructions on how to use this action Wireframe Photoshop Action Use your photo and turn it into Wireframe in moments.You just need one click… Create wireframe of any model or make a wireframe dispersion and enahce your photo with this effect in just few minutes. This Action is perfect for flyer designs,invitation designs for partys,posters,movie posters and more… Once action is completed you can turn on/off background color and play with adjustments . You can brush out the areas that you don’t want effect on via layer mask,change color of every layer so you can create multiple color design, turn off layers that you don’t want to simplify photo,scal
Shapes Dispersion Action
Circles Dispersion Action